Join the PTO!

We are no longer accepting memberships for this school year. We hope you’ll consider joining in August for the 2024-2025 school year. Thank you for your support!


No! Your membership comes with no obligations. Come to as many or as few (including zero) meetings as you’d like.

No! We’re always thrilled to have volunteers, but joining the PTO comes with no volunteer obligations.

If there is a specific activity or event you’d like to volunteer for, simply let us know (shoot us an email at [email protected]) and we’d be happy to have you!

Joining the PTO means your membership funds go to the PTO treasury to support all the activities we sponsor at PBES all year long. It also puts you in touch with the PTO Board, should you decide you’d like to join us in planning or executing any of the events we hold throughout the year. You also get some great PBES swag!*

(*while supplies last)

No! Your membership is good for the entire school year. Whether you decide to rejoin the following year is completely up to you.