Teacher Appreciation


We truly appreciate everything our PBES teachers, administrators, and staff do to support our students.

As an organization, the PTO sponsors efforts all year long to make sure all PBES employees feel the love!

This December, we’re putting together the annual cookie exchange for teachers –only unlike a traditional cookie swap, the teachers won’t have to bake or bring anything! That’s where you come in. We’re asking each family to donate two dozen cookies (each) so we can send each staff member home with holiday cookie treats.

(Check back here next week for the signup genius link for the cookies!)

Teacher Preferences

Whether it’s the holidays, Teacher Appreciation week, or something else, you may find yourself planning a gift for your child’s teacher. But what do they like? Are they allergic to anything? Should you just buy them a Starbuck’s card (do they even drink coffee?!)?

We’ve got you covered! We quizzed the staff on their various preferences and consolidated them here on an Excel/Google Sheets spreadsheet. We hope you find it helpful!

Here’s a look at some of the ways the PTO has already shown our appreciation to PBES teachers and staff:

(Huge thanks to Trish Neall and Tracy Houchens for the wonderful job they do chairing the PTO Teacher Appreciation Committee!)

Have questions? Email us at [email protected]

We purchased mini-pies for PBES faculty & staff to take home with them before Thanksgiving.

In October, we collected granola, candy, and power bar donations from the community and put them in the work room so PBES teachers and staff could enjoy an on-the-go snack.

We left these notes and treats for our bus drivers and custodial staff to let them know how much the PBES community appreciates all they do for our students.