Color Craze

**Thank you for a fantastic 2023 Color Craze Event! We raised over $24,000 for PBES and the students had a wonderful time! Here are a few photos of the top fundraising students and classes enjoying their pizza parties with Mr. Thorne & Ms. Sobers.**

The Color Run is getting a bit of a revamp this year — it’s now the COlor Craze!

*Update: Color Craze registration packets were placed in mailboxes on 9/6. To get a digital copy of the instructions, timelines, etc. (with clickable links, so you don’t have to type them all out!), click here.

Already read the instructions and want to start your child’s fundraising page? Click here to set up their personal fundraising page!

Here’s an overview of the Color Craze Timeline.

Color Craze 2023 Details

On October 13, 2023 (rain date: Oct. 20), come out and have a bright, colorful, fantastic time running with your favorite cardinals!

The music will be hot, the popsicles will be cold, and the color will be EVERYWHERE!

Last year, we raised over $20,000 for PTO initiatives at Piney Branch! We hope we can make this year even better!

Color Run information and registration packets went home with every student in early September. If you’re looking to get a jump on things, you can grab a digital pdf copy here.

Remember that if students earn t-shirts or the privilege to invite additional Color Craze participants, this electronic form needs to be submitted no later than September 22.

*Due to printing turnaround time, no t-shirts may be ordered after the 9/22 deadline, so please fill out the e-form promptly!

This is the Color Craze schedule for Oct. 13, 2023!


Prior Update: August 2023

In previous years, we contracted with an outside company to administer our Color Run. While they provided registration support, they also took a significant portion of our earnings. 

Our PTO has decided to take over the entire event so we can keep more of the funds we raise here at Piney Branch. The basics will remain the same, as we know the entire community looks forward to this event every year. 

There will be a few key changes this year. Those changes are:

  1. The name! To avoid any potential trademark issues, we’re calling it the Color Craze.
  2. A new Color Craze t-shirt (we’re so excited to have a brand-new design this year!)
  3. No knick-knacks. Students will not earn individual little prizes (keychains, wigs, etc.) at various fundraising levels. Instead, we will focus on experience prizes to encourage students to raise funds. These include pizza lunches with Mr. Thorne & Mrs. Sobers, class parties, silly string battles or other special activities, etc. There will also be a fundraising competition between the classes and students will be able to track their class’s progress in real-time.
  4. We get to keep 100% of the funds raised! Aside from the basic credit card processing fees, the money raised will stay here at Piney Branch to help us fund PTO initiatives within our building.

A letter about the change will come home with students in August (you can download the pdf here).

Want to volunteer at the event? There will be a signup genius available in late September.

Have questions? Email us at [email protected]


All proceeds from the Color Run are used by the PTO to support Piney Branch Elementary. Check out this page for a breakdown of some of the many things we’ve been able to do for PBES in recent years.

No! All students at PBES will participate in the Color Craze. The event takes place during the school day and will be a fun time for all students! There’ll be music playing, colors spraying, and popsicles at the end for all!

With that said, we greatly appreciate any donations you collect as part of the fundraiser! This is typically our biggest fundraiser and allows us to do so many wonderful things for Piney Branch.

There are also fun rewards for students in each grade level who raise the most money and for the classroom with the highest overall fundraising total.

*Note: only students who raise at least $30 by September 22 and fill out the t-shirt e-form will receive an official Color Craze t-shirt.

For every additional $30 a student raises (beyond their initial $30), the student may invite one additional individual from outside PBES to participate in the Color Craze with them. This additional participant will also earn a t-shirt, provided funds are raised and the e-form is completed no later than 9/22. Outside participants will have to follow the school’s designated visitor policies (ID checked, background screened, etc.).

*Visitor participation is subject to any school/county/state guidelines in place at the time of the event.

YES! September 22 is simply the deadline by which we need to submit the t-shirt order to the printers. As such, funds raised after 9/22 will not qualify for a Color Craze 2023 t-shirt.

Students are encouraged to continue collecting donations all the way up until the 10/13 deadline. The top fundraising students and classes will be announced on Monday 10/16.