Winter Dance

This year’s Winter Dance WIll Be January 24, 2025.

The Winter Dance will be held on Friday, January 25, 2025. Check back as the date gets closer for more details. In the meantime…

Join the 2025 Winter Dance planing committee – OR – become an on-site Winter Dance volunteer!


Note: This is not a drop-off dance. A parent/guardian is required to attend with their student.


All proceeds from the Winter Dance are used by the PTO to support Piney Branch Elementary. Check out this page for a breakdown of some of the many things we’ve been able to do for PBES in recent years.

The Winter Dance is held at Piney Branch. If PWCS cancels evening activities, we’ll have to cancel as well. We’ll make every effort to reschedule the event and notify the community ASAP.

There will be a special table at the event for you to pick up your pre-ordered party packs.

No. All sales are final. If you’re unable to attend, feel free to send someone in your place or pass along your party supplies to another family.

More Questions? Email us at [email protected]